Call for First Cut Lab Netherlands 2022
First Cut Lab Netherlands is a consultancy program designed for 2 feature films (Dutch majority productions) in editing phase that are supported by the Netherlands Film Fund
The selected teams (director/producer/editor) are offered a creative framework, both benevolent & challenging, where to open up new perspectives and to explore the whole artistic potential of their films. They screen their rough cut in a private session, and receive expert feedbacks from three international film industry advisors, as well as tailor-made advice from a consultant editor.
Once the workshop is over, the participants receive a report & a roadmap that can serve as guidance for further editing. Eventually, the ambition of First Cut Lab is to enhance the audience opportunities of the films.
Deadline for submissions: 15. December 2021.
The program will take place online, and each film will be workshopped within the period from 15. January 2022 to 30. June 2022.
Each film is accompanied by First Cut Lab for a period of roughly 6 weeks, even though the core of the Lab takes place over two consecutive days.
The exact dates of the Lab will be chosen in agreement with each selected team to best answer the needs of their films. A preferred period for the Lab should be mentioned in the application form.
N.B.: Projects potentially interested in First Cut Lab Netherlands 2022, but that are not able to provide video material by December, 15 2021 (e.g. because the principal photography of the film is not over, or because it has not taken place yet), should still fill out the application form and apply by this deadline. If eligible, they will be contacted by First Cut Lab to agree on a specific deadline to provide their video material.
For more information about the submission requierements click here.
Bron: Nederlands Filmfonds