Call for projects InVision 2019
Sign up for InVision 2019
Save the date for this autumn’s most vibrant learning and networking event: inVision 2019. InScience Film Festival Nijmegen invites you to celebrate science and film art, meet professionals, exchange ideas and collaborate.
When: Friday November 8
Time: 10.00 – 17.30
Where: LUX Nijmegen
InVision unites professionals in the creative industry and science to stimulate crossovers between the two. Why? Because at InScience we are convinced of the power that lies in combining science and the art of storytelling. At InVision you will get a chance to meet professionals in different creative and academic disciplines, discover new projects and most importantly: collaborate. Join masterclasses, learn from international speakers and network with professionals with different backgrounds.
Central guest is the Academy Award nominee director and producer Scott Hamilton Kennedy (The Garden: Food Evolution). He will give a masterclass about building complex stories, working across disciplines and finding strategies for impact. Other guest speakers are Greg Boustaed, executive producer at Sandbox Films (The Most Unknown, Human Nature), Gouden Kalf-nominated director Maartje Nevejan (If You Are Not Here, Where Are You?) and French interactive director Paul Mezier (Overview).
The final program will be annouced by October 17th.
Call for projects
Are you working on a project that emcompasses science and storytelling art? Be it a film, an immersive or interactive project, a research project? At InVision you will have the opportunity to start new collaborations and get feedback on your work and ideas. Send in your project and win a chance to discuss your idea with experts in art and science – especially selected for you – consisting of professionals in the field of (documentary) filmmaking, science and the creative industry. You will also get a chance to personally meet & greet with specialists that can help to further improve your project.
Send in your project before Friday, October 11th by emailing your pitch to