Onderzoek: EU produceert meer dan 12.000 uur tv-fictie per jaar
The booming market for TV fiction has prompted the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, and DG Connect of the European Commission to undertake a ground-breaking new report : The Production and circulation of TV fiction in the EU28.
This report was authored by Gilles Fontaine, Head of the Observatory’s Department for Market Information, and Marta Jimenez Pumares, analyst within this department.
This new report finds that:
- over 960 titles and 12 000 hours of TV fiction were produced in the European Union in 2017
- EU28 TV fiction programmes account for 50% (in terms of titles), and 44% (in number of episodes) and 45% (in hours) of total TV fiction broadcasts in EU28.
- EU28 titles make up 25%of the cumulated number of TV fiction titles available on subscription VOD and 40% of all titles available on transactional VOD (TVOD)
Lees het persbericht hier: ‘The EU produces over 12,000 hours of TV fiction per year’. Daar vind je ook een link naar het volledige rapport.
Bron: European Audiovisual Observatory