EYE on Art programma mei bekend
Lees hier wat EYE on Art deze maand te bieden heeft:
Habits are examined and boundaries are broken. The May programme focuses on revolutionary (film)practices and raised voices. The month will be closed festively by Colin Benders – formerly known as Kyteman – who accompanies Fragment of an Empire with a live synthesizer performance.
Ben Rivers – Heading For Utopia
1 May 20:00
The work of Ben Rivers, who received the EYE Art & Film Prize in 2016, can be regarded as a long and sinuous investigation of an as yet unknown world – using footage, locations, literature, desert beaches or his own house. “Everywhere, new utopias are possible“, the narrator tells us in Slow Action. What are we looking for when we step out, and what do we find? An evening about new realities and old habits.
1968: Vietnam-protest
5 May 19:15
Tracy Metz and guests discuss the public perception of the Vietnam War and the antiwar protests. The Instant Composers Pool, a collective of improvisation musicians celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year, performs subversive music. The programme is a cooperation of EYE and John Adams Institute.
Earthrise + Planet of the Apes
8 May 19:15
An evening on the iconic first colour picture of the earth – better known as Earthrise – taken from space during the Apollo 8 mission. The image showed the earth as a vulnerable planet and led to widespread environmental awakening. With an introduction by curator Vanina Saracino and a performance by artist Bjørn Melhus. Followed by Planet of the Apes, a planet where apes rule a world destroyed by humans.
1968: Prague Spring + The Party and the Guests
12 May 19:15
Subversive, surrealist, energetic: there were so many extraordinary sides to the Czech cinema of the Prague Spring. The evening’s host Jaroslav Rudiš will talk to Michal Bregant, director of the Czech National Film Archives, and author Jan Novák. The evening is organized in partnership with the Czech Centre.
Cuba & Che: ¡Hasta la revolución siempre!
15 May 19:15
A Cuban evening starting with a look at Che Guevara, the revolution’s poster boy in 1968. Demonstrators carried his image with them, shouting that they would continue the revolution in his name. Unique footage of Che, who perfectly embodied the wild appeal of insurrection with his longish hair, his baret and his cigar. The programme also features Memories of Underdevelopment, a compelling portrait of the young Cuban intellectual Sergio: how does he relate to Castro’s regime? The film won the Camera d’Or at Cannes. Introduction by Gert Oostindie.
Ben Rivers – Shorts
19 May 16:45
Ben Rivers is not only a maker of feature films but also of stunningly beautiful short films. Rivers is the winner of the EYE Art & Film Prize, currently the subject of an exhibition at EYE. Sacha Bronwasser will introduce the short films.
Colin Benders vs Fragment of an Empire
26 May 20:30
Live synthesizer performance by Colin Benders to accompany the premiere of the sparkling restoration of Oblomok imperii (Fragment of an Empire). The classic that was dedicated to people who redisover themselves and their own lives can now finally be viewed in its full version
Bron: EYE