Cinekid verlengt deadline inzendingen voor de Junior Co-production Market
Filmmakers kunnen nog tot 3 juli hun kinderfilms- en televisieprojecten indienen voor de Junior Co-production Market, georganiseerd door Cinekid for Professionals.
Lees hieronder het bericht van Cinekid:
The submission deadlines are extended to 3 July 2017.
Submit your project in development now for the Junior Co-production Market or your film for Cinekid film competition. You can submit your projects by filling in our online entry forms.
More information on the Junior Co-production Market can be found here and about Cinekid’s film programme here.
If you would like to visit the event as a potential co-producer or financier, you can find more information on accreditation here.
Bron: Cinekid for Professionals