Laatste oproep tot inzenden werk KLIK!
Animatoren opgelet! Nog één maand de tijd om je werk in te zenden voor de KLIK international competition!
Looking for an opportunity to show your work to animation professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world? Why not submit your animation to our action-packed, international festival?
For our international competition, we accept films in the following categories:
Animated Short (films created outside of educational programs)
Animated Student Short (films finished while the maker was enrolled in an educational program)
Commissioned Animation (films commissioned by a third party)
Animated Documentary
Animated Music Video
Animated Virtual Reality
Outside of Competition (this includes e.g. films of which the duration does not exceed 25 minutes, art installations, and games)
Films selected for the categories Animated Short and Animated Student Short are eligible for the KLIK Amsterdam Audience Award and KLIK Young Amsterdam Audience Award.
Our Call for Entries closes on 1 June 2017. Don’t wait too long and fill out the entry form. Here you’ll also find our terms and conditions. KLIK does not charge entry fees for submitting a film to KLIK’s competition, so go on then!
Bron: KLIK!