Structural constellations 2017 Focal Workshop

FOCAL biedt internationale trainingen voor professionals in de film- en audiovisuele branche. Onder de naam STRUCTURAL CONSTELLATIONS bieden ze in mei en november een programma aan dat gewijd is aan het creatieve ontwikkelingsproces voor groepen bestaande uit producent/regisseur/scenarioschrijver. Lees hier de aankondiging.

STRUCTURAL CONSTELLATIONS is an original Master Class in two 4-day Modules for those professionals who are concerned with the major artistic decisions – producers, screenwriters, authors-directors, new media designers, script consultants – of any production and has been elaborated by the widely recognized specialist Matthias Varga von Kibéd.

Dates of the Modules

– 23 to 27 May 2017 in Switzerland
– 13 to 17 November 2017 in Poland

Application deadline: 30 March 2017


• 1 team (maximum 3 persons): 1’000 Euro for the two modules

• 1 individual participant: 700 Euro for the two modules

The fee includes tuition, accommodation and meals. Travel costs are not included.

Up to 11 participants (in teams or individual) are eligible for a scholarship covering part of the travel costs and full subsistence expenses, provided that they have not already benefited from another scholarship for the same expenses. The scholarships are primarily for participants from low income countries.

All details about the programme can be found at

and the application form at


– The consolidation of your project according to target groups and audience development

– The techniques and tools of the structural constellation method to apply autonomously with any collaborator in order to develop the same vision of a project and to solve problems/conflicts with any team

– The reframing of your project with regard to the story / the scenes / the characters

– The enhancement of the interaction within the development team of your project

– The enhancement of your creative potential, your story development skills and your positioning / monitoring in the creative process within your team

STRUCTURAL CONSTELLATIONS is proposed by FOCAL, the Norwegian Film Institute, the Swedish Film Institute, the Austrian Film Institute and the Wajda School, with the support of the Polish Film Institute (PISF) and the Swiss Federal Office of Culture.