Oproep voor Nederlandse documentaires door Pitching Forum Medimed in Barcelona

MEDIMED van APIMED (Association of Independent Mediterranean Producers) doet een oproep aan Nederlandse documentairemakers voor het Pitching forum of het ANTI-pitch programma van 13-16 oktober in Sitges (Barcelona).  Het aanvraagformulier is beschikbaar via de NBF (mail nbf@nbf.nl).

Lees hieronder de Engelse oproep:

MEDIMED is calling for entries of new documentary projects-in-development having in place 25% of their finance and/or a broadcast guarantee or co-production agreement. We are looking for European producers and filmmakers that can provide independently produced documentaries, projects engaging in creative risks, advancing issues and presenting points of views not typically seen on television. Selected projects will be pitched at the central Pitching Forum or at the newly designed ANTI-pitch program dedicated to projects in their final stage of production.

We are also looking for finished European documentary productions of any genre produced in 2015 or 2016.

This dedicated market is focused on the promotion and development of new European and Mediterranean independent documentary productions, promoting the networking between international producers and financiers. MEDIMED offers an excellent opportunity to introduce and sell new films to international buyers, thus enhancing distribution possibilities for their recently produced documentaries.

Last year, 30 documentary projects from 15 European & Southern Mediterranean countries were pitched to a panel of key commissioning editors, and 500 finished documentaries were screened by 70 international buyers and distributors.

The deadline for the submission of both programmes and projects is due JUNE 30. They can be registered free of charge and are subject to selection by an international jury.

MEDIMED is organized by the Mediterranean Producer’s Association, APIMED, with the financial support of the EUROPE CREATIVE MEDIA Programme of the European Union.

To obtain the entry forms and for any further information, please visit: www.medimed.org or contact the organisation via email at: medimed@apimed.org.

c/ Girona, 20, 5th floor – 08010 BARCELONA, Spain
Tel : + 34 93 556 09 91 / Fax: + 34 93 247 01 65 – info@apimed.org
Facebook : Medimed DocMarket  Twitter : @MedimedMarket
Contact : Sergi Doladé, director