Holland Animation Film Festival kondigt start HAFFTube web competitie aan

Iedereen wordt uitgenodigd films in te zenden en mee te doen met de competitie.
Lees hier (in het Engelse persbericht) hoe:

The Holland Animation Film Festival is pleased to announce the start of the HAFFTube web competition. Hereby we invite you to enter your film and participate!

The deadline for submitting films is Friday, 4 March. An international jury will select the winner of the web competition. The director of the winning film will be hosted at this year’s Holland Animation Film Festival with a festival pass and an arranged stay in a hotel.

HAFFTube is our official channel within YouTube. The channel will be filled with an international selection of state of the art contemporary animated films from all over the world with a maximum length of 5 minutes. At the set limit of 50 films, the voting begins. Holland Animation Film Festival will rate the submitted films and subsequently films will be voted out daily, creating possiblities for new films.

Go to the HAFF website for more information and regulations.

Bron: HAFF