Internationale postproductie workshop EP2C dit jaar in Wenen
De internationale postproductie workshop EP2C voor producenten en postproducers vindt dit jaar plaats in Wenen. Lees hieronder meer over de workshop en aanmelding.
Where: AUSTRIA, Vienna
When: 23‐28 October 2014
Application deadline: June 21st
EP2C is a one‐week workshop dedicated to post‐production management in international co‐productions. This project‐based workshop is addressed to producers and post‐production supervisors. The 2014 edition will take place in Vienna, Austria, and will welcome 50 professionals (20 participants, local professionals, and international experts) for an immersion into post‐production. Participation fees: 900 euros (including accommodation and meals, not including travel costs) ‐ Scholarships available.
Deadline: June 21, 2014
For more information: Tel: + 32 475 73 66 16
• Why EP2C was created in the firm belief that well‐scheduled, well‐budgeted and well‐run post‐production will save the producer a lot of work, money, stress, and protect the film from artistic compromises, especially in the case of international co‐productions.
• What The workshop will tackle a spectrum of post‐production issues from the idea till delivery: post‐production management methods/ splitting post‐production between the co‐production countries/ financing the post‐production/ engineering the budget and the schedule / Image and sound workflows/ VFX/ delivery to a sales agent/ legal issues …
• How Over the course of one week, technical, financial and artistic post‐production challenges are addressed in lectures,
group sessions and individual meetings.
‐ Producers will work on their film project (fiction or documentary), which should be at any stage before shooting.
‐ Post‐production supervisors are assigned to producers’ projects. Post‐production management methods, in‐depth
knowledge of image, sound and VFX workflows are addressed during sessions specifically designed for post‐
production supervisors.
• For whom The workshop is open to 20 participants (12 producers and 8 post‐production supervisors) with filmmaking experience
in their countries and willing to cooperate with other countries.
• With whom Since 2010, EP2C has been happily cooperating with high‐profile professionals including Producers: Diana Elbaum (Entre Chien et Loup), Bettina Brokemper (Heimatfilm), Sébastien Delloye (Entre Chien et Loup), Ewa Puszczynska (opus film), Ada Solomon (Hi Film Productions), post‐production supervisors: Niko Remus, Hans Van Helden, Christina Crassaris, sound supervisor: Michel Schöpping, sales agents: Eric Lagesse ‐ Pyramid
Int., Michael Weber ‐ Match Factory, Daniela Elstner ‐ Doc & Film as well as cinematographers, VFX specialists and lawyers.
The EP2C 2014 edition is organised with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Filmfonds WIEN,
Fédération Wallonie‐Bruxelles, VAF (Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds), TorinoFilmLab, Arri Media Services, Entre Chien et
Loup and in cooperation with MEDIA Desk Austria, Rotterdam Lab, Meetings on the Bridge ‐ Istanbul Film Festival,
Cinema en Construction, OLFFI, EAVE, ACA (Accompagnement des Compétences Audiovisuelles), Produire au Sud, Les
Cinémas du monde, Filmmore, Digital Production Challenge