Master of Film lecture series | 3 September: TimeSpace – Gabriel Lester
Elke twee weken op dinsdag vindt er een lezing plaats bij de Filmacademie, georganiseerd door de Master Film.
Master of Film lecture series
Every other Tuesday night the Master’s department of the Film Academy invites guests to come and give a lecture. Speakers can be film makers, visual artists, composers but also philosophers, scientists or film theoreticians. The aim is simple: to broaden our horizon and to get inspired by a diversity of approaches and perspectives.
For most lectures a reservation won’t be necessary, but if you want to be sure: use the online RSVP form.
More information:
TimeSpace – Gabriel Lester
Tuesday 3 September 2013, 19:30-21:30 hrs.
Gabriel Lester’s lecture titled TimeSpace, a term indicating the three dimensions of space supplemented with the fourth dimension of time, will focus on his artworks from a perception of spatial movement and time-based compositions. Through observing the world as a progressions through time and space, the lecture will address how the evolution of artistic ideas and experiences relate to the creation of narrative structures as well as static installation suggesting motion.
Gabriel Lester (b. Amsterdam 1972) started his artistic endeavor as a musician, stumbled into literature, studied cinema and finally became a visual artist. Lester’s many interests and expertise’s explain the themes, methods and nature of his present artwork. Most of his films and spatial installations have an implicit narrative layer, strong cinematic influences, sequential constructions and an obvious sense of rhythm.
Bron: Nederlandse Filmacademie