Nieuw programma voor producenten bij MIPTV 2012
MIPTV 2012 zal plaatsvinden van 1 tot en met 4 april in Cannes en is de grootste conferentie op het gebied van tv en nieuwe media. Er is dit jaar een nieuw programma voor producenten opgezet, het Producer’s Programme.
Lees hier het bericht van MIPTV:
MIPTV 2012 is around the corner with a rich programme focusing on Producers, as an NBF member we are delighted to offer the following advantages:
– For first time production companies : €675 ie 50% off (registration online:
– For returning production companies : 1.045€, ie extension of the Early Bird rate, corresponding to 100€ off the regular price for the first 20 members using the special promo code : NBFMIPTV2012
The TV industry wants to meet producers and this new Producer’s Programme is really made for producers to expand their network, finance their dreams and discover the latest trends.
Also new this year :”Business meets casual at the Producers’ Hub”
Producers can meet with potential partners at MIPTV’s all-new calm, cool and collected Producers’ Hub.
They can Conduct business, grab a coffee and attend a series of “how-to workshops” covering the entire deal-making process from pitching to negotiation to the digital details.
For further information on Mip Markets, visit