Call for Entry IDFA Summer School 2012
Van18 juni tot en met 23 juni 2012 organiseert IDFAcademy de vijfde editie van de Summer School: een trainingsprogramma voor opkomende filmmakers, die plaatsvindt in Amsterdam en gericht is op het versterken van de verhaalstructuur van documentaireprojecten.
Lees hier het bericht van IDFA:
Call for Entry | IDFAcademy Summer School | Deadline April 1
From June 18 through June 23 2012, IDFAcademy organizes the fifth edition of the Summer School: a tailor-made training program for emerging filmmakers, taking place in Amsterdam and aimed at strengthening the narrative structure of documentary projects.
IDFAcademy Summer School offers the opportunity to meet and work with highly esteemed filmmakers and film professionals who are willing to share their knowledge and experience with emerging film talent. The Summer School combines individual coaching with group sessions and an inspiring cultural program in a relaxed atmosphere. It offers two types of training possibilities: Script Development and Editing Consultancy.
Participants will be coached by eight documentary experts from all over the world. In previous years experts like Carmen Cobos (producer, The Netherlands), Kate Townsend (Executive Producer BBC Storyville, UK), Sabine Bubeck-Paaz (Commissioning Editor ZDF, Germany), Debra Zimmerman (Distributor Women Make Movies, USA), Erez Laufer (Editor, Israel), Peter Wintonick (producer/ director, Canada), Audrius Stonys (Director, Lithuania) and Janus Metz (Director, Denmark) were tutors at the Summer School.
The deadline for submission is April 1, 2012. Should you know of a filmmaker who you think is qualified and interested, please feel free to forward this message. For more information about IDFAcademy Summer School and how to apply, visit our website.
Bron: IDFA